Creator Royalties #056: 5 Strategies to Promote Yourself on Social Media

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🤗 This week's edition of Creator Royalties provides you with easy-to-implement strategies to promote you and your art on social media.

Scroll down for our usual rundown of weekly artist grants and opportunities, as well as art drops.

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5 Strategies to Promote Yourself on Social Media

In today's digital world, social media is essential for artists to showcase their work and connect with fans… whether we like it or not. But standing out online can be tough.

Whether you paint, sing, write, or create in any way, being your own cheerleader is key towards boosting your presence and opportunities as an artist. But, how does one do that effectively?

In this article, we’ll share five strategies to help you stand out amidst the noise and effectively tell the story of you and your art.

Let’s dive in!

#1: Tell a story

Use your social media platforms as a canvas to share the story behind your art.

Whether it's the inspiration behind a particular piece, the journey you've taken to get to where you are today, or anecdotes from your creative process, storytelling adds depth and authenticity to your online presence. By inviting your audience into your world and sharing the narratives behind your work, you create a more meaningful connection that resonates beyond just the visual aspect of your art.

EXAMPLE: Artist Wildy Martinez is candid about her journey with vitiligo, and how she portrays that through her work.

#2: Demonstrate value to your audience

Put yourself in the shoes of your potential audience and think about what they would find valuable. Whether it's behind-the-scenes glimpses of your creative process, exclusive discounts on your artwork, or insights into the inspiration behind your pieces, offering something of value will attract and retain followers who are genuinely interested in your work.

EXAMPLE: Content creator Lily Wu shares how she has accumulated over a million impressions on LinkedIn by sharing learnings from her startup experience.

#3: Be your own cheerleader

Don't be afraid to showcase your achievements, milestones, and new projects on social media.

Share positive feedback from satisfied customers, celebrate exhibitions or collaborations, and highlight any press coverage or awards you've received. Being confident and proud of your work will inspire others to take notice and support your artistic journey.

EXAMPLE: Photographer Sherie Margaret Ngigi is excited to celebrate her admittance into Gamma’s partner program, and in doing so also shares new work available for sale.

#4: Have a strong call to action

Encourage engagement and interaction with your audience by including clear calls to action in your posts.

Whether it's asking followers to like, comment, or share your content, visit your online store, sign up for your newsletter, or attend an upcoming event, prompting specific actions will help drive traffic and conversions on your social media channels.

EXAMPLE: Artist Efdot has a clear call to action here for prospective collectors to enter a giveaway for his work or otherwise save 20% on his prints.

#5: Get personal, but don’t take it personally

Remember that not everyone will respond positively to your content, and that's okay. Social media can be a highly subjective space, and not everyone will be your target audience.

Instead of dwelling on negative feedback or comparing yourself to others, focus on staying true to your artistic vision and connecting with those who appreciate and support your work.

EXAMPLE: Artist Sam Spratt shares his inspiration for what makes art personal, and the importance of embracing your authentic nature.

Closing thoughts

While we understand that social media can feel exhausting and may not be everyone’s cup of tea, the truth of the matter is that creatives have always had to work hard to market themselves.

Whereas in the past, we had to impress curators and other "gatekeepers", we have the power today to reach our audience directly thanks to the Internet. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, feel empowered to take control of your careers and share your work on your own terms.

🎯 HUG Tip: Take action now!

Pick one of the strategies above and incorporate it into a social media post. If you’d like us to amplify it, don’t hesitate to tag us @thehugxyz on either X or Instagram.

Artist Grants and Opportunities

📣 Open Calls have arrived on HUG! Visit to discover your next Open Call opportunity, from grants to gallery showcases, and more.

Want to host your very own Open Call? Submit your interest here.

  • 🎉 Showcase your work at HUGFest Line the walls of our art exhibition at our one day celebration of art and technology at our inaugural HUGFest. Learn more and submit here.

  • 🚕 Take your art all over New York City Shillr is putting on a mobile art exhibition that will take your art through prominent locations in NYC from Apr 2 to 5. Learn more and submit here.

  • 📚 Publish your own solo art book Work with our publishing partner Snap Collective to design and bring your work to print in an art book worthy of any coffee table and library. Learn more and submit here.

  • 🏙️ Billboard display in Times Square Art Innovation Gallery wants to showcase the best of digital art on the billboards of Times Square in New York City. Learn more and submit here.

  • 🧘 Art in support of mental health Get your health showcased in New York and Los Angeles in support of World Mental Health Day. Learn more and submit here.

  • 💰 HUG is offering $500 USD grants to two artists each month in exchange for artwork to raffle off to our community. Learn more and meet all our HUG Visionaries here.

Other Open Calls

This Week’s Art Drops

🤗 Have an upcoming art drop you’d like to share? Or an upcoming exhibition or opportunity for your fellow artists? Make use of our Artist Updates feature on HUG, or email [email protected], so we can share it with our 12K+ readers.

Did you know that these are just 8 of hundreds of art drops on HUG? Get a full list of this week’s art drops from HUG here.